My Favorite Transport—Bicycle
Among all means of transportation, I like bicycle most. It's cheap as well as popular.
There are many advantages to ride the bicycle. In the first place, riding bicycle makes me feel independent. I can go anywhere by bicycle. Especially during rush hours, I can still move freely. Secondly, using a bicycle is good for environment protection, because it won't emit any waste gas. Moreover, bicycle riding is also a good sport. While riding a bicycle, I can exercise myself, which is healthful to me.
当我高兴的时候,自行车和我一起分享快乐,在我忧伤的时候,自行车也为我分忧解愁。 我喜欢我的自行车,自行车它只会付出,不求索取。
I have a new off-road style bicycle. Set of horns on the handlebars like a shiny black slip cover, new brake winding around the body. Large basket with the car body in the car, the two round rubber tires on a long car chain.My bike can be a big help. In turn, while the flexibility to turn a bike, on the opposite side of the companion warned: "I want to turn out, do not hit me." In crowded places, bike a lot of noises of the crowd: "take a light, take a Light. "rode me breezed through the crowd. Red light at the intersection when the bike will "squeak" to automatically stop soon, said to me: "Little master, red light are not allowed to move on, quickly get off it." With it, I can save a lot of time, can I have more time to review homework; with it, I will have a good partner inseparable; with it, I can go to their own place to go. When I was happy, happy to share with my bike, in my sad, bike for me no worry. I like my bike, bike it will pay, without taking.。
The bicycle is the most successful human inventions of a human machine, is composed of many simple machines Complex machinery. In 1790, there were French, his love for brains. One day, he was walking a street in Paris, because the world over the previous rain, the way a lot of rain plot, it is good to go. Suddenly, a carriage came straight from behind, the road is fairly narrow and very wide carriage, Xifulake fortunate not to hide to avoid being hit by a car, or been splashed all over a mud and rain. Others see, feel sorry for him, but also angry and Zhi Ma, want to cry carriage stopped, unreasonable representations. Xifulake has murmured: "Do not cry, do not cry, let them go." Carriage gone, and he just stood roadside. He was thinking: Road so narrow, so many pedestrians, why can not the coach what the structure to facilitate some changes? Should be cut off half of the carriage along the four wheels, two wheels into a before and after the 。
。 he such a thought, home on hands-on design. After repeated tests, the first aircraft in 1791 to travel by "Trojan wheel" car made out. Zhe Liang wooden cart with two wheels around the middle attached beam, a bench top security, like a toy-like. As the car has not drive chain, by the rider pedal force in their legs, the car can move forward slowly, but also without steering the car, only go straight, do not turn and go riding for a while on the tired sweaty . The emergence of new stuff just is not always so perfect. Xifulake not discouraged, he continued to try to improve. Unfortunately, the long illness he died. 1816, in Germany there is to see in the woods His names is delaxis, his daily-east of this one from the forest, wandering the West's another piece of wood, year after year. He thought: If the person sitting in the car, the stop-go, anywhere, not very handsome it? Delaisse began making wooden wheel, made almost look like Xifulake. However, adding a front wheel on the handlebar control the direction of child, to change the way forward. But cycling is still to use two feet, about what step to push off the ground, to push the car roll forward. When dries out test riding time along the way were many people laughing. Still, he loves his creation of this "lovely pony cubs." Wandering in the cycle when one dries over an open carriage, the driver laughed at his car, he said slowly, so he and the driver said: "Believe it or not my car faster than your horse" So the two of them play the bet. Distance from the village of West-east to a back and forth, results dries faster than the driver a whole more than one hour. In 1840, England's blacksmith McMillan, and got a run-down "pony cute cubs." He installed on the rear axle crank, and then crank and connecting rod to connect the front of the pedal, and both front and rear wheels with iron, large front and rear small. When the rider stepped fixed pedal, the car will be up on their own campaign, ran forward. Thus, it makes the rider's feet off the ground really, to walk, alternating stepping move into the wheel rolling, speed greatly improved. 1842, Macmillan ride this car, ran 20 kilometers a day, because they do not care, cycling too fast, hit the road a little girl, it was the police to seize, and fines. The charges of "brutal ride." In 1861, France Michaud and his son, originally a carriage repair Carpenter job, they can be installed in front of the pedal plate rotation; car saddle rack above the front wheel, so unless the bike's technology, especially sophisticated, or instability on the grasping handlebars, fell off from the car. They Zheliang two-wheelers as a "bicycle" of James, and in 1867 at the Paris Expo exhibition, the audience an eye-opener. In 1869, Renault UK after seeing the bike in France, that car is too heavy, and began pondering how to light a number of bike do. He used to tightening wire spoke wheel rim as; the same time, the use made of thin steel bars to the frame, the car's front wheel larger smaller rear wheel. Thereby reducing some of its own weight bicycle. Starting from Xifulake until Renault, who made 5 types of bike with a larger difference between the modern bicycle. Truly modern form of bike is born in 1874. British Roson in the year, the ingenuity in the bicycle chain and sprockets on the uploading, with rear-wheel rotation to drive the car forward. But still the big front wheel, rear wheel small, do not seem as coordinated and unstable. In 1886, the United Kingdom John. K. Stahly, a mechanical engineer, from the mechanics, kinematics point of view to design a new bike style bicycle fitted with a fork and brakes, front and rear wheel size the same in order to maintain balance and control into diamond-。
I have a beautiful bike.My mother bought it for me.It is the first time for to hav a bike. The bike was very beautiful.I liked it.It is blue and black.The bike is small,but I can ride the bike very fast. I usually ride on my bike,passing gardens,streets,towns,bridges,parks and libraries.This bike is my 'good friend'. I like this beautiful bike very much.。
Bicycles are welcome by the people who love sports.But ,with more and more pollutions,especially the air pollution,we should ride bikes more oftenly.First of all,we can reduce the traffic accidents by riding bicycles.Secondly,riding bicycles can save energy which is becoming less and less.And the third,perhaps,the most important is that riding bicycles can help protect our environment.That is why more and more people begin to use their bicycles to work,to schoo or to anywhere they like.And they think that it is also a good sport which can make people much more healthy.。
Everyone knows that cycling is a fun, healthy and economical means of travel around the neighborhood.
The advantages of bicycles mainly are as follows:each commuter can drive it directly where they have to go without changing stations or modes;bicycles are much more maneuverable in city mazes, and can take to the sideways to avoid grid lock, can land on any rack, railing or parking meter right outside the place of business, and can always be carried into a building for additional parking or security;Bicycling is also good for our environment,bicycles are 100% pollution free; cycling is good for our health; besides,Bicycle riding is the least expensive way of traveling apart from walking.
Although there are so many advantages,it also has its own limitations: it is unsuitable for long journey;most bikes don't have a roof in case of rain; we can't bring our family with us, unless they have bikes of their own,etc.
Bike is a popular means of transportation .It is a friendly environment transport tool.I like riding bikes when go travelling or go shopping.Nowdays motor cars are increasingly popular but I think it will cause a lot of damage to us .First it will give out lots of waste gas,which will contribute to the global warming.It is bad for our earth.Second. the number of the cars is becoming larger and larger and the crowded traffic will certainly bring about the risk of safety.So I think riding a bike is a better choice if we take environment into consideration。
one: 骑自行车应该是学过的人都会骑,但是在我会骑自行车之前,还有一段有趣的经历呢!那就是我第一次骑自行车的趣事. 那是一个阳光明媚的一天,我走在大街上,忽然看见一个同学骑着一辆自行车过来,对我说:“你一定还不会骑自行车吧,这么大了还不会骑,真是丢脸!”说着又对我做了一个鬼脸.我听了十分不服气,气愤地回家了.回到家,爸爸买了一辆新自行车,是给我的,那自行车可漂亮了!我高兴极了,迫不及待想要骑,可我坐了上去,于是,我开始学怎样骑了.刚开始,我坐在上面,用脚一蹬地,自行车走了,可我却差点掉了下去.我蹬得越来越快,另一只脚也踏上去了,不一会儿,我就会骑了,特别紧张.前面有一条大水沟,我不知道怎么转弯,于是自行车掉进了水沟里,真惊险啊!后来,我又学习怎么刹车,怎么拐弯.在学习中,还发过不少牢骚呢!但是只要一想起那个同学说的话,就又有自信心了.终于,我会骑自行车了,我经过我的努力,学会了骑自行车.从这件事使我懂得,我付出了努力,付出了汗水,所以收获了成功. two: 在我众多的第一次中,回忆最多最深的还是我的第一次骑自行车. 一天,我突发奇想,沮丧地对爸爸说:“爸爸,爸爸,别人都会骑两个轮子的自行车,”听了这话,爸爸竟真得把我那四个轮子的自行车拆掉了两个小轮子,让我学骑两轮自行车.于是,我就开始了我的第一次骑车生涯. 刚开始时,我以为两轮和四轮的车子差不多,我像往常一样跨上去骑.但是车子却象一棵快要断的大树,“咚”的一声倒了下去.我吓了一大跳,扔下自行车就跑回了家. 爸爸看我没有骑就回家,感到很奇怪.我把经过告诉了他.爸爸叫我首先扶墙试试.我先靠着墙骑车.我在墙边小心翼翼用双脚猛蹬车踏板,车子往前了,虽然车子一会儿朝东,一会儿朝西,歪歪扭扭的,但我终于成功了. 我的心中充满了喜悦,我看到前面不远处就是大门,只好加速,以便时刻准备拐弯.我眼睛看着大门吗,心里却在想:“我能拐过去吗?”车子越来越近了!眼看着要撞上大门了!我已给急转弯,车子终于拐过去了!我松了一口气,可惜车子却翻倒了.原来我太紧张了,手发抖了. 练了一会儿,我终于掌握了骑车的第一个窍门:先把一个踏板抬起来,一只脚蹬过去,另一只脚趁这个机会也放上去,这样就可以往前骑了,我在小区里绕了一圈又一圈,可是又发现了第二个问题,车子虽然往前骑了,可是速度我却控制不了,我想骑快点,车子却一个劲地往一边倒,啪地一声,我摔倒了,刚开始的热情仿佛被泼了冷水.我垂头丧气把车子往边上一架,坐在地上哇哇大哭起来. 爸爸闻声赶到,他把失去信心的我从地上拉起来,耐心地告诉我该怎么骑.我又重新振奋起来,感觉浑身的力气正在一点一点地增加.在爸爸的指导下,我认真地练习,很快,我就能把自行车掌控得轻松自如了.爸爸笑眯眯地站在路边,看着飞驰的我. 这一次的学车经过有眼泪也有欢笑,让我至今难忘.。