
100 2022-11-28 14:17 学生文摘 手机版




另外,这个模板也非常适合图表、图画作文的。 第一部分、考研英语情景作文:说明原因型 模块(1) Nowadays , there are more and more XX in some big cities . It is estimated that ( 1 ). Why have there been so many XX ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is that ( 2 ) .Besides, ( 3 ) . The third reason is ( 4 ). To sum up , the main cause of XX is due to ( 5 ) . It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing , ( 6 ). On the other hand , ( 7 ). All these measures will certainly reduce the number of XX . 注释: (1)用具体数据说明XX现象; (2)原因一; (3)原因二; (4)原因三; (5)指出主要原因; (6)解决建议一; (7)解决建议二。

:Generation gap between parents and children Nowadays , there are more and more misunderstanding between parents and children which is so- called generation gap . It is estimated that (75 percentages of parents often complain their children's unreasonable behavior while children usually think their parents too old fashioned). Why have there been so much misunderstanding between parents and children? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows . The first one is that ( the two generations, having grown up at different times, have different likes and dislikes , thus the disagreement often rises between them) . Besides (due to having little in common to talk about , they are not willing to sit face to face ) . The third reason is (with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster , both of them are so busy with their work or study that they don't spare enough time to exchange ideas ).To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to ( lake of communication and understanding each other) . It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing (children should respect their parents ). On the other hand , ( parents also should show solicitude for their children). All these measures will certainly bridge the generation gap .。


考研英语大作文模板(展望未来型): With the rapid advances of _____________ in recent years, ___has____________(引出现象). However, _______ has________________, as____________(提出问题). As a result, _____has ____________________(指出影响). The effects ___________ has produced on____________ can be boiled down to two major ones. First , __________________(影响一). More importantly, ________________(影响二). Hence, I believe that we will see a ____________(提出展望)/ Nevertheless, I do not think we will see a ______(或反面展望) There are numerous reasons why ____, and I would like to explore a few of the most important ones here. The first is that the more(比较级)_____, the more (比较级). In addition, we all agree that________________________(第二个原因) 考研英语大作文模板(图画作文): This illustration depicts_________ (图画中的人物)Ving, with______________(补充说明). Recently it has become common for people in many walks of life to_____________(进一步阐释) It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______(图画主题), which is ______________(进一步的说明). He seems to be saying that_______________(给出细节). In my opinion, ___________(个人阐述). This simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉群体,如the whole of the human race). Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to _____________(问题所在). One the one hand, we must _________________(建议一). It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________(进一步说明). On the other hand, ________________(建议二) Only in this way can we___________(展望前景). 考研英语大作文模板(图表作文): The chart gives us an overall picture of the ____________(图表主题). The first thing we notice is that_______________(图表最大特点). This means that as __________, _________________(进一步说明). We can see from the statistics given that _______________(图表细节一). After ving_________(细节一中的第一个变化), the _____Ved+幅度+时间(紧跟着的变化). The figures also tells us that_________________________(图表细节二). (数据位置,如In the second column), we can see that ____________accounts for _______(进一步描述). Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that___________(结论). The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that_____________(给出原因). / It is high time that we Ved(发出倡议)记得采纳啊。


考研英语作文还是要靠平时的积累。还是一门心思的复习吧,作文也是大分值,提升也快。背经典的开头结尾句型,加强遣词造句,记住关键词表达,多应用一些漂亮的句子结构入手,另外可以看看【红宝书】考研英语写作——(图画+话题)180篇目前市面上销售最火爆的考研作文书之一,这本书最大的特点就是经典,话题全面,连续八年命中作文原题,非常受学生的信赖和喜爱,当然,我想之所以受信赖跟喜爱不是说因为它连续四年命中作文原题,而是因为这本书内容却是非常经典,包括增值服务里面的这十年真题作文。从形式上就方便了学生练习模仿之用,同时这些话题选题精、准、狠,都是时下最兴话题,而且话题中的各种优美段落,优秀篇章又从内容上极大的丰富和满足了学生练习模仿之用。关于这本书的具体介绍,楼主可以到网站或者书店去了解一下,非常不错的一本图画+话题类作文书。、【红宝书】考研写作——(图画+话题)180篇,特别不错,非常符合最新考研英语写作的命题要求。 这本书是最早以图画和话题出版的考研写作,最大的特点是揭示了考研英语写作以图画为主要形式的命题特点和命题规律!针对性十分强。另外,这本书以形式,比较简明; 还有,写作180篇强调了写作方法——“三段式”写作法。以图画题目: 一是能够考查考生丰富的想象能力、联想能力和审题能力; 二是图画题目不像话题作文那样肯定具体,比较容易被考生提前猜测到; 三是图画作文的命题讲究“画面生动简洁,主题通俗而深刻”使考生在写作时发挥语言的空间比较大,相对提纲式作文和话题式作文图画式作文在限定性作文里是最自由的。 因此,图画作文对考生的写作能力的考查效果更好,从而能较好地达到测试和选拔考生的目的。 可以说考研英语作文已经进入了一个典型的图文世界,也是一个充满寓言象征的世界。若缺乏丰富的想象力便只能就图说图,很难写出高水平的作文来。 【红宝书】考研英语写作(图画+话题)180篇—— 7大特点1. 彻底揭示了考研英语写作的命题思想和写作规律,连续数年准确预测了大、小作文。2. 以形式(图画和话题作文),最直观、最明了地阐释了考研英语写作的命题特点。3. 第一次强化概括了“三段式”写作法在考研英语写作中的突出作用。4. 将考研英语写作中的“用词、造句、语法、修辞”等知识点融入及其后的讲解中。5. 从写作词汇、写作句式、写作框架、写作语法等层面系统总结归纳了考研英语写作必备的精华资料——附赠《写作必备集粹》一本。6. 对本书所有写作短文都录制了优美、动听的高水平的美音朗读,以MP3格式供您下载。7. 本书结构层次分明,重点突出,强调学练结合,在着重演绎180余个图画和话题的同时,为考生提供了“同类话题自测精练”,全书共涉及考研写作图画及话题300余个。本书是最早的一本以图画和话题形式出版的考研英语写作精品复习资料。书中的大量图画和话题被同类书籍广泛“引用”。对此,若有疑问,则可通过网络搜索和书籍先后版本对比证实。




本书在保持其原有优势的基础上,进行了全面修订,使其更能满足考生备考、获取高分的需要。本书的最大特点是简洁明了、注重高效、强调实战。并使考生抓住考研英语写作的命题思想、掌握写作规律,在较短时间内快速提高英语写作应考能力 ,为在考研写作中获取高分奠定坚实的基础。

【红宝书】考研英语写作(图画+话题)180篇 — 7大特点









