
0 2024-10-13 15:10 来源:www.xuanchuanyuan.com 手机版



As we all know, in Beijing Olympic Games will be held, every person are eagerly looking forward to its arrival, carefully exploring the life of the details, we can easily see that the Olympic spirit is everywhere.

Between neighbors, we help each other; colleagues, in addition to competition, everyone has even more made on the friendship of the first. Everyone has to start with oneself, the protection of the surrounding environment. Olympic atmosphere is diffuse in my home, parents have taken attention from the message of the Olympic Games, all brothers and sisters from time to time to talk about the various stories related to the Olympic Games.

Everyone is on the Olympic Games has its own expectations, and I also believe that China will certainly be able to better organize the Olympic Games and win honor for our country !



As we all know, in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be held, every person are eagerly looking forward to its arrival, carefully exploring the life of the details, we can easily see that the Olympic spirit is everywhere.

Between neighbors, we help each other; colleagues, in addition to competition, everyone has even more made on the friendship of the first. Everyone has to start with oneself, the protection of the surrounding environment. Olympic atmosphere is diffuse in my home, parents have taken attention from the message of the Olympic Games, all brothers and sisters from time to time to talk about the various stories related to the Olympic Games.

Everyone is on the Olympic Games has its own expectations, and I also believe that China will certainly be able to better organize the Olympic Games and win honor for our country !




发言稿一般由称呼语、正文和结束语三部分组成. 发言稿的开头和结尾一般有固定的格式.

Dear friends,

I am very glad to introduce myself to you……That’s all .Thank you.

Dear friends,

Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of…… That’s all .Thank you for listening。


Good morning /Good afternoon, everyone…...That’s all .Thank you.

Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen……That’s all .Thank you.

Hi, everyone,

It is so nice to see all of you here……That’s all .Thank you for listening.




第二部分:说明理由。常用到的连接成分有:first of all,secondly,finally等等。

第三部分:照应开头,总结全文。可以对全文作简明扼要的总结,也可以谈自己的感想、看法或期望。 常用到的句式有:In short…,In a word,I think,I expect等







My personal opinions on … are as follows.

Here are my personal opinions on …

I’ll tell you my personal opinions on…


Each of us is dreaming of a practical way to…

…is of great benefit to us.

I’m fond of doing


Would you please offer me some practical advice?

Thank you for your good advice.

Could you give me some practical advice?


Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I'm very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”。I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.

First I want to ask you some questions:

1、Do you know what is youth?

2、How do you master your youth?


Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshne; it is the freshneof the deep springs of life .

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self Cdistrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being 's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there's a wirelestation : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

Thank you!



Ladies and Gentlemen:

My topic is Honesty. As a correspondent of the Qingdao Morning News, I visited Dr. James Gilman, the President of the International Committee for Marco Polo Studies in England. In this picture, this is James, and this is me and we are looking at a dragon’s tooth. This is a true story. 英文发言稿范文五篇chuzhongchusan 65 years ago, James lived in Qingdao. Then he was only 5 years old.

He often visited the Aquarium and was fascinated by a creature on display there, which he thought was a dragon. He was afraid of its sharp teeth and wanted one to keep as a treasure. In the late 1930s, when the Japanese occupied Qingdao, his family had to leave. On his last day in Qingdao, he ran to the Aquarium and pulled out one of the teeth from the dragon’s mouth.

He kept the tooth for the next 65 years, but the feeling of guilt at having stolen it was there in the background all through his life. It was always on his conscience, and the feeling intensified as he became older. Finally he decided to put right his childish error. In 20_, he visited Qingdao and returned it to the Aquarium with his sincere apologies. He received a warm welcome.

When James visited Qingdao, I accompanied him all the time and reported on his visit. I was deeply touched by his honesty. It has taught me a lot. I think to err is human. The important thing is to have the courage to admit and correct one’s error. Honesty is a vital quality of human behaviour. So we should try to keep an honest mind in everything we say and do. I would like to say to all of my friends: Let’s be honest people of good moral character.

Thank you.


Good morningeveningafternoon, ladies and gentlemen :

Today, my speech is about talents,in my opionion, talents are indispensable in nowadays society. as is known to all that the fight among countries is actually the fight among talents.

First, i'd like to define the word“talent” in my idea, a talent is one person who is good at or expertised in some or multiple areas. nowadays, as the world developing goes on , if one country want to rank top or do a good job in the world, the country must have many talents.for example, china, the biggest developing country in the world, in the past 100 years, is always invaded by other countries, why ,the reason is that china at that time had not so many talents. if they had anti-intrusion leader talents in the war, needless to say,they would have beat those big powers.if they had talents in weapons manufacturing, nodody dares to provoke us.however, nowadays, it's a totally different situation, china has become powerfulin all over the world, why ? because there are many talents serving the country, the civilians become more and more literated.more and more people go to university,more and more people come to receive further education. so what is that in return,talents in army protect our country from invasion, talents in commerce help make our economy keep in improving, talents in aerospace make the world see chinese manned spacecraft flying. talents in sports make china rank the first in the olympic games……

To sum up, talents will play a more and more impoetant role in the world, if one country intends to flourish, he must foster talents as many as they can ,that's all,thank you.


FArewell, Indifference

Who wAs the most well-known figure in ChinA lAst month? It‘s MA JiAJue—the college student who murdered 4 of his roommAtes. MAny people Attributed his crime to his poverty And deficient educAtion. In my opinion, his crime Also hAs much to do with his clAssmAtes‘ indifference.

Indifference is A terrible diseAse in todAy‘s colleges And the whole society. It‘s not rAre thAt two students who hAve studied together for 4 yeArs hAve never spoken to eAch other. It‘s not rAre thAt A student who hAs been Absent from clAss for severAl dAys is not noticed At All. It‘s Also not rAre thAt A student who hAs severe psychologicAl problems is not cAred About At All.

Some people mAy sAy ?WhAt the students with psychologicAl problems like MA JiAJue need is not cAre but psychotherApy.‖ However, when people Are ill, whAt they need most is not only medicAl treAtment, but Also cAre from people Around them. Every smile And every cAring word will bring sunshine to their life.

I once heArd one of my roommAtes who wAs An introverted girl sobbing At mid-night. Being AfrAid of disturbing her, I sent A text messAge to comfort her. The next dAy, she told me thAt she wAs crying for not being invited to one of her friend‘s birthdAy pArty. She thought she wAs neglected by others. But my messAge wAs reAlly comforting which told her someone still cAred About her.


I Am Tripping My ElephAnt Here

Once upon A time, A weenie Ant wAs wAlking on his wAy. As he wAs wAlking, suddenly he felt the ground shAking terribly. He looked Around with his pArAnoid eyes And sAw An elephAnt wAlking right behind him. Quickly, the little Ant covered himself with dirt, but one leg wAs unfortunAtely left out. A spArrow sAw everything, so she flew down with the purpose of teAsing the Ant: ―Hey, chicken! WAtch out your leg, it‘s out!‖ The Ant felt embArrAssed At first but then cAlmly responded: ―Shi…I Am going to trip thAt elephAnt.‖

Right now, I‘m stAnding on this glAmorous stAge. But everything here reminds me of is A not so fun memory. Around this time lAst yeAr I wAs in NAnjing competing in Another speech contest. ThAt wAs the first time for me to be in such A lArge event. Of course the pressure I wAs under wAs immense too. After A sleepless And stressful night, I went onto thAt stAge without the feeling in my legs. ThAt speech turned out to be horrible. I don‘t remember how I get down from there, but I do remember AfterwArds I just wAnted to find A hole to hide in just like the Ant in the story. BAck At my school, it took A long time for me to recover. ThAnks to All the help I got from my speciAl friends. My confidence wAs restored. After rounds of giving speeches And Answering tough questions, I Am here todAy. From All thAt I‘ve been through I‘ve leArned thAt A good future is bAsed on A forgotten pAst, if I wAnt my life to go on well I hAve to let go of my pAst fAilure. So todAy, with out feAr, I Am tripping my elephAnt AgAin.



















广州市服装设计师协会的定位是:“贴近市场,专业服务”。广州是全国最大的时尚产业中心,有着最好最深的“时尚根基”,欠缺的是推广时尚的意识及引导时尚消费的传媒。服装设计师协会的主要任务就是推动、引导、提升品牌意识,提高广州时尚产业的国际竞争力。 作为一个始终追求最前沿资讯服务的行业机构,广州服装设计师协会一直致力于为设计师提供最新潮的国际动态、消费走势。致力于培育选拔广州高端时尚人才,从20xx年起举办了“广州十佳服装设计师”、“广州十佳摄影师”、“广州十佳时装模特”、“广州十佳形象设计师”等评选活动。












Good morning !

my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to becom#e a teacher....

As the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. I don’t expect com#plete freedom, which is impossible. I simply have a dream that supports my life.

I dream that one day, I could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. With my favorite fictions, I lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. Simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction.

I dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of com#ic and cartoon away. They could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. That’s the real com#munication of heart to heart.

I have the belief that my dreams should com#e true. I am looking forward to some day com#ing when I am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue and vast sky.


good afternoon, everyone. very happy to see so many new faces here. i amwang pengyuan, a senior student from class 1101. today, it gives me a greathonor to give a welcome speech here, to share with you some of my experiences aswell as give you some suggestions in the beginning of your college life.

actually, i am very much curious about your definitions of a good collegelife at this special point. someone once complained to me that the college lifeis totally a waste of time and money. do you think so? the answer is definitelyno. here i want to tell you that if you try to manage your college life well,you will find that it will be really a valuable part of your life.

and now i’m going to share with you my personal experiences of my collegelife. i remember when i was a freshman, a junior student was giving a speech onthis stage i was so impressed by her, and made my mind to study hard. so what idid in my pervious three years was just about making full use of collegeresources to develop my own potentials.

in my first year, i studied hard as i did in my high school, attendingevery class, listening to teachers carefully, reviewing after class and doinghomework by myself. college at that time was a pand new stage for me, i wastrying to find my way of adapting to it quickly. i participated in various kindsof activities to improve my abilities, such as joining in the students union,going to the old people’s home, selling newspapers outside campus, taking partin chorus competition and recitation contest. i think my ability is somehowimproved through the year of efforts.

the second year was a very important turning point for me. i tried to learnmore by myself and then apply the knowledge into practice. the very importantevent for me is the 18th china daily 21st century cup national english speakingcompetition in which i got the first prize in our school. but what i want tomention is only the benefits i gained from this competition, for example, myenglish speaking ability has been improved, and no longer afraid of saying aword in public and also i made friends with many students from otheruniversities with whom i can share experience. and some other competitions likehubei provincial translation and interpreting competition, and so many more.

another part is the social activities. in july xx, i went to singapore tobe a volunteer in the second international traditional martial arts competition.that was also an amazing experience in my life. as you can see that i witnessedwith my own eyes a different culture thus poadening my horizons. so here i wantto appeal to you all that seize every opportunity to develop yourself, for thecollege is an integrated platform in the journey of your life through which youare bound to grow up.

the third years seems like a great leap for me. equipped with the solidfoundation i laid in the previous two years, i further participated in someimportant major-related contests, such as the outlook talent show held by cctv,the fifth cross-strait interpreting competition and national english abilitycompetition. through all these contests, i found myself much more confident inthe road ahead.

next i’m going to give you some suggestions to help you manage your collegelife better.

suggestion1: learn as much as possible.

for most of us college can be an unforgettable period for us to learnsomething. some one once said that university is like a dye vat, which meansthat you may be easily influenced by others. if you want to learn something youwill be empaced by knowledge and wisdom; and if you don’t have the desire tolearn you will find you get nothing after 4 years’ college life.

suggestion2: cultivate your potentials and interests.

as we know, university is an integrated platform compared with high school.you do not need to bury your head in the books all day long. you need to conductyour self-cultivation and find where your interests lie in. for example, if youhave the talent for dancing, you can join in the dance association. just showit. life will be colorful if there is joy.

suggestion3: always be optimistic and hopeful.

everybody knows that college life is mostly determined by ourselves.sometimes you may find that teachers can’t instruct you in every aspects. so youmay easily come across difficulties with which you will get bored. but pleaseremember that life has its ups and downs, adversity is just part of our lives.be optimistic, you will always find your way out.

in a word, combine all the suggestions i’ve mentioned above with your owncharacteristics and stick to it, you will find success lies in somewhere alongthe road.

ok, since time is limited, i will stop here. if you have further question,come to me, i will always be willing to help. that’s my part for today. thankyou.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen

It’s so great an honor for me to meet you here at your grand opening ceremony. This is our first official meeting, so please allow me to represent all senior students of foreign language department to give you our biggest welcome and sincerest congratulations.

It’s the fourth year for me in binzhou university ,but I still remember the occasions when I first got here. I understand your reluctance to leave your dear family, your curiosity about how life will be in next few years and your ambition to improve yourselves. Of course, you’ve also been undertaking huge pressures from your parents’ high expectations. But as time passing by, you will be gradually attracted by the exciting and meaningful life here. You’re gonna experience more freedom, more interesting classes, a large number of clubs and especially, more responsibility for yourself, because from this day on, you will be the only master of your own.

First of all, being responsible for yourself needs your full dedication to study. College students as we are, study still remains as our primary task. Every good habit developed in your high school is worthy to be insisted on, like getting up early for reading, listening carefully to teachers in classes and reviewing lessons for refreshing your memory. Besides, here in the college, you are provided with the access to rich resources of books in the library, electronic documentations and lectures by experts. Anything you want is there for you, and what you need to do is just sparing time to get there and check out. I assure you that every time you read in the library, every different surprise is to be discovered.

Second, being responsible for yourself needs your openness to surrounding communities and involvement in them, which means you should be positive to face challenges. There must be something in your character that you want to change and sort of abilities that you want to improve. Then do something to change it. By joining a students’. organization, you can perform your talents and make friends; by taking part in a contest, you can enjoy both tensions of fierce competitiveness and pleasures of success. All of these experiences will be greatly beneficial for your future career.

Third, being responsible for yourself needs your strong control over your minds. Facing with the complex world and colorful college life, it’s a necessity for us to always keep clear about what we want and what is right, to overcome our laziness and timidity, and to resist all temptations which may completely destroy us.

Ladies and gentlemen, three years can win a battle, four years can produce an Olympic champion. What about your college yearsTo live it peacefully or make it unforgettableTo be a loser or fight as a warrior.

Ladies and gentlemen, every opportunity is earned by no one but yourself. So just go for your dreams and build your future!

Thank you very much!



Ladies and gentlemen:

Good afternoon!

Its my great honor to come to East China Normal University to attend the opening ceremony of “ Master of Education Program for Developing Countries” in this most beautiful Autumn season. On behalf of Ministry of Education People`s Republic of China, Please allow me to extend my warmest welcome to all participants coming from afar.I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to ECNU for their hard work.I `d also like to say a big thank you to the Ministry of Commerce for their tremendous support and guidance without which this program will not be possible.

Nowadays ,developing countries are playing an increasingly important role in the international community.China, along with other developing countries has actively engaged in multipolarizing of world political patterns, democratizing international relations, establishing new international order of justice and fairness, boosting world economy and settling global issues. Being a member of family of developing countries,China attaches significant importance to traditional friendship and bilateral relations with other developing countries.To strengthen cooperation and nurture the talent for them in the field of human resources,we have run “Master of Public Administration Program for Developing Countries ” since and has received wide praise and recognition.

In addition to that program ,the ministry of Education and Ministry of Commerce have decided to launch “Master of Education program for developing countries” in 2010.The first session of this program is specifically designed for developing countries in Africa with the aim to help these nation to train intermediate and high senior educational administrators.

Nowadays ,development is top priority for each country.Education is the foundation stone of a nation`s revitalizaton and social

development ,playing an essential role in social and economic development. the recently released “China`s National Plan for Medium and Long—term educational reform and development(2010-)” lays out the direction of Chinese Education for the next ten years, demonstrating Chinese government`s resoluation in building China into strong country of human resources .Being educational administrators from different countries and different institutes with great potential leadership,each of you must have you own perspective and insights into education.In this sense,this program provides us with a fascinating opportunity to share among us these valuable experience.

East China Normal University is a both nationally and internationally recognized comprehensive research university in China,particularly renowned for its excellence in teacher-training.It has nurtured numerous competent teachers and disdinguished educators.I am pretty confident that with the substantial support of ECNU,this program is absolutely going to be a huge success.

There are a few points I would like you to highlight here.Firstly,I hope you could adapt to this new environment and new role as a student as soon as possible , follow the syllabus and course design, study hard and involved in practice session actively; secondly, I hope you make as many Chinese friends as you can so as to have a better understanding of China and Chinese people`s desire for peaceful development.thirdly,I hope you could combine what you learn with the actual situation and your work back in your home country and share with us your experience.

Finally ,I would like to wish each of you a fruitful and rewarding study and and enjoyable stay in China.

Thank you very much.


Good morning/evening/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen :

Today, my speech is about talents,in my opionion, talents are indispensable in nowadays society. as is known to all that the fight among countries is actually the fight among talents.

First, i'd like to define the word“talent” in my idea, a talent is one person who is good at or expertised in some or multiple areas. nowadays, as the world developing goes on , if one country want to rank top or do a good job in the world, the country must have many talents.for example, china, the biggest developing country in the world, in the past 1英文发言稿书写格式范文 years, is always invaded by other countries, why ,the reason is that china at that time had not so many talents. if they had anti-intrusion leader talents in the war, needless to say,they would have beat those big powers.if they had talents in weapons manufacturing, nodody dares to provoke us.however, nowadays, it's a totally different situation, china has become powerfulin all over the world, why ? because there are many talents serving the country, the civilians become more and more literated.more and more people go to university,more and more people come to receive further education. so what is that in return,talents in army protect our country from invasion, talents in commerce help make our economy keep in improving, talents in aerospace make the world see chinese manned spacecraft flying. talents in sports make china rank the first in the olympic games……

To sum up, talents will play a more and more impoetant role in the world, if one country intends to flourish, he must foster talents as many as they can ,that's all,thank you.


Honorable teachers, principles, dear parents and students:

Good morning to you all. On this sunny and unforgettable day, we gladly welcome you to our grade 12’s graduation ceremony.

Two years ago, when we first came to this program and began our three years of high school education. It was your enthusiasm that influenced us, giving us the heart to keep moving forward; it was your encouragement that motivated us, encouraging us to persevere. It was your high spirits that encouraged us, and pointed us in the right way. It was your harmony that united us, urging us to stand our ground and charge fearlessly forward.

Three years, 36 months(thirty-six), 1095 days(one thousand and ninety-five), 26280 hours(twenty-six thousand two hundred and eighty), 1576800 minutes(1 million five hundred and seventy-six thousand eight hundred), 94608000 seconds(ninety-four million six hundred and eight thousand). Your confidence, patience and determination have grown. Under the guidance of Mrs. Lv, you have achieved success which we celebrate today.

We look up to you as role models and you are our heroes. We built a relationship not unlike that of a great, big, family. Working together has made us familiar to each other and know each other from the bottom of our hearts. Seeing you mature every day from morning to night, motivating us, makes us more mature.

Yesterday, you were proud of this program, today, this program is proud because of you. With 51 university acceptance letters coming from all directions, people were impressed by your accomplishments. We, the Grade 11’s will shortly turn into grade 12’s already feel the pressure that is soon to be placed upon us, and we thank you for your example, which will give us the perseverance to succeed. In the up-coming year, we will follow your footsteps, and will never give up creating what will be our very own miracle. At the same time, we would like to inform our dear future successors, we hope that you will not be afraid of the future hardships; we also hope that you put your best efforts into your work; to become the pride and future of Sino C Canadian Program here in Jilin City No.1 High School and ChangchunExperimental High School.

Today, you will turn over a new chapter of your lives, although there will be numerous obstacles blocking your paths, your determined hearts will be forever strong. You will walk towards the light of the glory of tomorrow, with our best wishes from the bottom of our hearts! Go for it!


Good morning!

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview,I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself briefly.

I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .

I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of .

I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.

In July 2003, I begin work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because I'm capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job. And in August ,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. That is the reasonwhy I come here to compete for this position.

I think I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure.

That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance.











Dignified guests, Principal Xia, students, teachers, parents, ladies and gentlemen:

It is pleasure to be here today representing the Nova Scotia Department of Education on this auspicious occasion. Over the past number of years, your school has developed a strong connection with Nova Scotiaand has built a valuable and lasting partnership.

We are celebrating the first ever graduation of the Nova Scotia Pubilc School Program at Jilin No.1 High School. I know this is a tremendously important day for everyone gathered here but especially for the graduates and their families whose faith and support of this program have determined its success.

The advancement of this program can be attributed to the wonderful leadership of Principal Xia, the tremendous support provided by Linda and her team, as well as the exceptional teaching this school has to offer.

These ceremonies are filled with joy, relief and anticipation; but mostly they are filled with the pride that comes with accomplishment. I share your pride, because you are Nova Scotia high school graduates. Even though you are half a world away, you join thousands of students in Nova Scotia, who are also celebrating their graduation this month. That, in itself, is an amazing thing.

You are also sharing something precious with students in Nova Scotia-a quality education that will open many doors and provide you with many opportunities.

Your graduation day is a significant milestone in your educational journey. Today marks the end of one chapter in your life, but it is also the start of a new chapter that holds many exciting possibilities.

You are an exceptionally committed and tenacious group of students and you will be a valuable addition to any post-secondary institution

I am told that many of the graduates here today have chosen to study in Canada.Canadais extremely fortunate to have such an accomplished group of students joined our renowned educational institutions.I am confident you will enjoy your experience in Canada, and receive a superlative education that will prepare you well for the many career pathways available to you.

Your years of hard work and dedication are celebrated today, and I applaud you for your efforts and achievements.

Always aim high. Do not settle for what you know you can accomplish; challenge yourself to pursue the impossible and you will go further than you could ever imagine.