由于中西方社交礼仪上存在着差异,中西方人士在社会交往活动中常常会发生误会和冲突,其根本原因则是文化环境的差异形成的认知差异.本文主要分析了中西方礼仪在称谓称呼、见面交往礼节、宴客方面、禁忌与习俗、公务场合等的差异,归纳出中西方社交礼仪的各自特点,同时揭示了形成中西方礼仪差异性的社会环境和价值观等因素跨文化交际中,由于东方人和西方人有着不同的文化背景和风俗习惯,在社会交往活动中遵循各自不同的社交礼仪,礼仪是人与人之间进行感情交流,建立友谊发展的纽带.社交礼仪作为一种文化,是人们在生活中处理人际关系,是用来与人表达友谊情感的符号.然而就是因为文化不同引起的障碍而导致信息误解,甚至伤害对方的现象屡见不鲜.因此,知道文化差异和跨文化交际已是现在不可忽视的问题.本文从一般聚会进程为基础,从接待方式、见面问候、座次安排、用餐礼仪、衣着、餐后告辞和邀舞上比较,最后通过中西方国家的各自社交礼仪的特点,揭示了中西方在不同社会环境和价值观影响,形成了不同的社交礼仪.说明在跨文化交际中,要尊重相互习俗才能达到有效的交流.不同文化的七项对比 我国和西方国家商务交往最多.由于文化背景的不同,导致在具体礼仪上有很多截然不同的地方.具体来说有七个方面,必须首先有所了解1、对待赞美2、待客和做客3、谦虚和自我肯定4、劝告和建议5、个人隐私权6、时间安排7、礼尚往来。
The international commerce etiquette is only in the entire worldwide scale, one kind of general commercial contact standard and rule. The different country needs to pay attention to the different manners and customs and the etiquette custom, the Chinese and foreign is able to discriminate, outside outside is able to discriminate. Below will chat from the commercial etiquette and various countries' commerce's angle, international commerce etiquette's civilized etiquette knowledge. Because of the job requirement, some people must do frequently with the foreign business circle. The commercial world public relations and the ordinary public relations' difference lies, has the strict rank relations and the regular meeting and the active way. , The person concerned must pay attention to oneself behavior the etiquette. “, if a person instinct odd and likes arguing, cannot make a clear distinction between right and wrong, then does not have what help to him. Therefore, a manner perfect merchant's quality, should be understood that others do need with the condition, how to understand to higher authority's instruction and the subordinate complaint or the objection.”((UK) Egypt. Uncle. Donald: "Modern West Etiquette" the 12th chapter) The commercial world public figure is fastidious about the behavior manner and the psychological bearing capacity, a successful merchant image lofty is always with good intention. Said from the image that associates with the foreign business circle public figure, the attire must be appropriate. Gentleman's sleeve curls up, but do not draw out the elbow department, when first with person contact, must give the human gravely on the attire by, the serious feeling. Woman's image, discusses according to the Western legitimate commercial ritual, then cannot put on the dew chest, the transparent overalls and the miniskirt, opens the vent or wears the hit to have the sound decorations. when and Western business circle public figure face-to-face talk, do not too press opposite party the experience. Met with a Western woman, certainly must ask woman to sit first, then from has only then taken a seat; Rides in a carriage or the elevator with woman, certainly must let woman advance. Associates with the Japanese merchants, generally must clarify the contact direct object first, delivers the name card, then looks for the opportunity to discuss again one time, as soon as will not want the wild hope to meet will discuss matter of the service. In the commercial world, the senior is higher than the young status, the buyer is higher than the seller status. If expresses best wishes mutually with the Japanese, should better adopt the form which bows mutually. Certainly must pay attention, the depth which bows is respects the depth mutually the code number. Associates with the Japanese merchants, when they said when “is”, means in no way was “has agreed”, but referred to having understood your words, the Japanese rejected other people, commonly used “I must think that” replaced “not” the character. In the West, the termination commercial contact cuts off the relational letter with one is one kind of politeness behavior. However, the letter must be fastidious from the paper to writing. Because in the westerner eye, the inexpensive letter paper will not welcome opposite party to trust. The use commercial letter paper, should print on own name, the address, the telephone number and so on. Discusses the service with the overseas merchant, must reach agreement ahead of time, cannot go rashly. In westerner's etiquette, after does not reach agreement to visit others is disrespectful. Generally said that wants to visit a big company or the merchant, should several day of notice opposite party, be supposed 5 110 minutes to arrive ahead of time at the appointed time ahead of time. When visits finished, often by the status high person puts forward the conclusion proposal. If receives the foreign guest, certainly must leave the office entrance in the conclusion evacuation, showed the respect. In addition, but may also let secretary guide sends out. business people's person part times spent to open the board of directors and at the department meeting. With the foreign joint capital, must certainly attend all person conference with every effort, and must obey president's arrangement at the meeting. If has the different opinions, may when speaks in turn expounded that prohibits is irresponsible in word and deed. With the alien merchant, is the important merchant associates by it, the discussion important service, needs to pay attention to the reportage surely the situation. When has not 。
1、称谓称呼方面 在西方,称呼是比较笼统的,一个称呼可以涵盖中国很多称呼。
2、交际语言方面 中国人通常是见面点头致意,握手或行拱手礼,微微欠身然后握手,而西方人认为欠身显得自卑,拥抱是最常见的见面礼与道别礼,亲吻礼与吻手礼也较为常见3,宴请方面 酒文化在中国由来已久,被视为做生意,交朋友等社交场合不可或缺的。酒杯不空茶水不满。
4,禁忌习俗 中国人不喜欢说4,因为与“死”同音,认为8、6吉利,偏向于双数,追求成双成对。西方人不喜欢13。
5,日常行为习惯 在中国,人们对个人隐私的界限远没有这么深刻,人们并不会在意别人对自己的生活作一般了解。日常生活中,中国人拜访他人表示热忱。
中国人比较热情,愿意帮助他人,喜欢询问别人可有什么帮忙。提要 本文从中西方礼仪文化在见面、谈吐、馈赠、用餐等方面表现出不同的礼仪形态,探讨不同民族的思维方式、价值观念差异和风俗习惯。
关键词:礼仪;馈赠;思维方式;价值观中图分类号:G115 文献标识码:A 礼仪是在人际交往中,以一定的、约定俗成的方式来表现的律己敬人的过程。古人云:“人无礼则不立,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁”。
一、中西方文化背景下礼仪的差异 (一)见面礼仪的差异 1、见面时的打招呼礼仪。打招呼是人际交往中最为平常的事情,是联络感情的手段,沟通心灵的方式,增进友谊的纽带,所以,绝对不能轻视和小看。
这三种吻礼在日常交往中常用,但是在商务往来一般不使用,其中吻手礼是流行于欧美上流社会异性之间的一种最高层次的见面礼,适合于已婚女士。 (二)谈吐礼仪的差异 1、称呼礼仪。
The international commerce etiquette is only in the entire worldwide scale, one kind of general commercial contact standard and rule. The different country needs to pay attention to the different manners and customs and the etiquette custom, the Chinese and foreign is able to discriminate, outside outside is able to discriminate. Below will chat from the commercial etiquette and various countries' commerce's angle, international commerce etiquette's civilized etiquette knowledge. Because of the job requirement, some people must do frequently with the foreign business circle. The commercial world public relations and the ordinary public relations' difference lies, has the strict rank relations and the regular meeting and the active way. , The person concerned must pay attention to oneself behavior the etiquette. “, if a person instinct odd and likes arguing, cannot make a clear distinction between right and wrong, then does not have what help to him. Therefore, a manner perfect merchant's quality, should be understood that others do need with the condition, how to understand to higher authority's instruction and the subordinate complaint or the objection.”((UK) Egypt. Uncle. Donald: "Modern West Etiquette" the 12th chapter) The commercial world public figure is fastidious about the behavior manner and the psychological bearing capacity, a successful merchant image lofty is always with good intention. Said from the image that associates with the foreign business circle public figure, the attire must be appropriate. Gentleman's sleeve curls up, but do not draw out the elbow department, when first with person contact, must give the human gravely on the attire by, the serious feeling. Woman's image, discusses according to the Western legitimate commercial ritual, then cannot put on the dew chest, the transparent overalls and the miniskirt, opens the vent or wears the hit to have the sound decorations. when and Western business circle public figure face-to-face talk, do not too press opposite party the experience. Met with a Western woman, certainly must ask woman to sit first, then from has only then taken a seat; Rides in a carriage or the elevator with woman, certainly must let woman advance. Associates with the Japanese merchants, generally must clarify the contact direct object first, delivers the name card, then looks for the opportunity to discuss again one time, as soon as will not want the wild hope to meet will discuss matter of the service. In the commercial world, the senior is higher than the young status, the buyer is higher than the seller status. If expresses best wishes mutually with the Japanese, should better adopt the form which bows mutually. Certainly must pay attention, the depth which bows is respects the depth mutually the code number. Associates with the Japanese merchants, when they said when “is”, means in no way was “has agreed”, but referred to having understood your words, the Japanese rejected other people, commonly used “I must think that” replaced “not” the character. In the West, the termination commercial contact cuts off the relational letter with one is one kind of politeness behavior. However, the letter must be fastidious from the paper to writing. Because in the westerner eye, the inexpensive letter paper will not welcome opposite party to trust. The use commercial letter paper, should print on own name, the address, the telephone number and so on. Discusses the service with the overseas merchant, must reach agreement ahead of time, cannot go rashly. In westerner's etiquette, after does not reach agreement to visit others is disrespectful. Generally said that wants to visit a big company or the merchant, should several day of notice opposite party, be supposed 5 110 minutes to arrive ahead of time at the appointed time ahead of time. When visits finished, often by the status high person puts forward the conclusion proposal. If receives the foreign guest, certainly must leave the office entrance in the conclusion evacuation, showed the respect. In addition, but may also let secretary guide sends out. business people's person part times spent to open the board of directors and at the department meeting. With the foreign joint capital, must certainly attend all person conference with every effort, and must obey president's arrangement at the meeting. If has the different opinions, may when speaks in turn expounded that prohibits is irresponsible in word and deed. With the alien merchant, is the important merchant associates by it, the discussion important service, needs to pay attention to the reportage surely the situation. When has not di。
2、西方:在西方则是以右为尊, 男女间隔而座,夫妇也分开而座,女宾客的席位比男宾客的席位稍高,男士要替位于自己右边的女宾客拉开椅子,以示对女士的尊重。