
100 2023-05-28 14:15 论文大全


福利的内容很多,现行职工福利的内容大体可以分为4个部分: 1、为减轻职工生活负担和保证职工基本生活而建立的各种补贴制度。

如职工生活困难补贴、冬季职工宿舍取暖补贴、独生子女费、拖儿费、探亲假路费、婚丧嫁待遇、职工丧葬补助费、供养直系亲属抚恤费、职工病伤假期间救济费、职工住房补贴等。 2、为职工生活提供方便而建立的集体福利设施。

如职工食堂、托儿所、理发室、浴室等。 3、为活跃职工文化生活而建立的各种文化、体育设施。

如图书馆、阅览室、体育活动场所等。 4、兴建职工宿舍等。

Welfare of many things, the existing contents of employee benefits can be divided into four parts: 1, to reduce the burden on workers and guarantee the basic livelihood of employees and the establishment of the various subsidy system. If workers hardship allowances, winter dormitory heating subsidies, child fees, delayed child fees, home leave travel expenses, weddings, funerals, marry treatment, funeral subsidies for employees, pension costs for dependent immediate family members, staff sick or injury leave during the relief costs, staff housing subsidies. 2, for the lives of the workers established to facilitate the collective welfare facilities. Such as staff canteens, nurseries, barber shop, bathrooms. 3, as an active cultural life of workers and the establishment of the various cultural and sports facilities. Such as libraries, reading, sports venues and so on. 4, the construction of staff quarters. [编辑本段]职工福利的重要性 (1)吸引优秀员工。优秀员工是组织发展的顶梁柱。

以前一直认为,组织主要靠高工资来吸引优秀员工,现在许多企业家认识到,良好的福利有时比高工资更能吸引优秀员工。 (2)提高员工的士气。

良好的福利使员工无后顾之忧,使员工有与组织共荣辱之感,士气必然会高涨。 (3)降低员工辞职率。

员工过高的辞职率必然会使组织的工作受到一定损失,而良好的福利会使很多可能流动的员工打消辞职的念头。 (4)激励员工。

良好的福利会使员工产生由衷的工作满意感,进而激发员工自觉为组织目标而奋斗的动力。 (5)凝聚员工。

组织的凝聚力由许多的因素组成,但良好的福利无疑是一个重要因素,因为良好的福利体现了组织的高层管理者以人为本的经营思想。 (6)提高企业经济效益。

良好的福利一方面可以使员工得到更多的实惠,另一方面用在员工身上的投资会产生更多的回报。 [Edit this section] the importance of employee benefits (1) attract the best employees. Excellent employees are the backbone of organizational development. Had previously been that the organization primarily by high wages to attract the best employees, many entrepreneurs now realize that good welfare is sometimes better than the high wages to attract quality employees. (2) to improve staff morale. Well-being of the employees peace of mind, give employees a sense of honor and disgrace with the organization, morale is bound to rise. (3) reduce the employee resignation rates. High rate of staff's resignation would inevitably be some loss of work organization, and good benefits would discourage many potential mobile workers the idea of resignation. (4) motivate staff. Well-being of employees will produce sincere job satisfaction, and thus inspire employees to organizational goals and consciously fight the power. (5) the provision of staff. Cohesion of the organization composed of many factors, but the good welfare is undoubtedly an important factor, because good benefits reflects the organization's top management to people-oriented business ideas. (6) improve the economic efficiency of enterprises. Well-being on the one hand can make employees more benefits, on the other hand with investment in staff who will generate more returns.。


Isn't money the evil source or does money make the mare to go?(金钱不是万恶之源?还是有钱能使鬼推磨?) Money and happiness , in anyplace at any time to anybody , the two always have countless ties .(金钱和幸福,在任何地方任何时间对于任何人而言,两者总是有千丝万缕的关系)Money can not only satisfy one's material necessities but also can meet one's spiritual needs sometimes .(金钱不但能满足一个人的物质需求,有时候还会满足他的精神需要)That is so-called money can support happiness .(那就是所谓的金钱支撑幸福)But money also can bury your head in the sand and bring misfortune to you at times .(但是有时候金钱也会让你看不到即临险境给你带来不幸) We have to admit the truth that money can buy lots of things even health .我们要承认金钱可以买到很多东西甚至健康这样的事实In nowadays ,a poor family shall have to live a hard life .在当今,贫困的家庭必将过着艰难的生活The poor people even can't afford to children's schooling ,no mention to the house in big city and other luxurious consumables. .穷人甚至负担不了子女的教育费用,更别提在繁华都市有栋房子,或者其它奢侈的消费品It is common that lots of serious diseased people have no enough money to go to hospital for a treatment , if they wouldn't get social aid ,the only way leaving to them is waiting for the death .重病的穷人没钱去医院治疗是很普遍的,如果后来他们也得不到社会的援助,留给他们的唯一的路就是面临死亡If you have no money ,you can't live the life you want , you can't buy the things you like .如果没有钱,你就不能过你想要的生活,不能买你喜欢的东西If because of moneyless you have to haggle over every ounce for every little thing all days , how could you be a happy person ?如果因为清贫,你整天要为鸡毛蒜皮的小事斤斤计较,你还怎么能是幸福的人呢?In all ages ,从古至今people have been pursued nice life and worked hard for earning more money to improve life quality . 人们都在追求美好的生活,都在努力工作以此赚更多的钱去改善生活质量It's human being instinct , 这是人的本能吧so this kind of behavior is right and natural .所以这种行为是无可厚非的But we can't plunge ourselves into the trap that money is omnipotent .但是我们不能让自己掉进信赖金钱万能的陷阱里面 In someone's eyes ,money can buy everything ,有些人看来,金钱能够换取一切Its charm and function has exceeded its true value and the meaning of existence . 金钱的魅力和作用已经超过了它真实的价值和它存在的意义 People drove by this thought incline to make money by any kind of means ,被这种想法驱使的人就会为了钱财不择手段so lots of them will make themselves walk up to the criminal road . 所以他们也很容易走上犯罪的道路 Money can satisfy the basal needs or make your more immaterial needs come true , but it isn't means that money can buy happiness .金钱可以满足你的基本生活需求或者也能满足更多的非物质需求Maybe you will fell more happy if you have much money ,but in fact ,the ratio of money and happiness is not an absolute direct ratio .也许拥有许多钱会让你感到更加幸福,但是事实上,金钱和幸福之间没有绝对的正比关系呵The number of money don't represent the degree of happiness .金钱的数量并不代表幸福的程度Because you could earn money by hardworking 、struggling or effort work ,but you can't get happiness only through money .因为你可以通过努力,上进,勤奋去挣更多的钱,但是你不能只用金钱就可以得到幸福 Happiness is a kind of felling .幸福是一种感觉when you help others you will feel happy .Just like Jesus had said“It is more blessed to give ……”当你帮助别人,你会感到快乐,就像耶稣说过的一样:施比受更有福Some rich people are also charitarians , they could make themselves more happy basing on sponsoring welfare .一些富裕的人也是慈善家,赞助福利事业会让他们更快乐 SO The psychologists advise the ones who often find themselves suffering to help those worse lucky people that could reduce pain . 所以心理学家建议那些总是自感痛苦的人去帮助那些更加不幸的人,那样会减轻自感痛苦者的痛苦感觉If you work hard and contribute to the society, you will be respected by people, don't you feel unhappy? 如果你努力的工作给社会作贡献,你就会受人尊敬,那你又怎么会不幸福呢 Sometimes happiness comes from a little case .有时候幸福只是来源于一件小小的事情If you often admire others unfeignedly , you will obtain others' appreciation at the same time ,you will enjoy yourself all your time . 如果你经常由衷地欣赏别人,你同时也就会获得别人的赞美,那么你一生都会其乐无穷You will be happy as long as you full you life with value. 只要你活的是有价值那么你。


Isn't money the evil source or does money make the mare to go?(金钱不是万恶之源?还是有钱能使鬼推磨?)Money and happiness , in anyplace at any time to anybody , the two always have countless ties .(金钱和幸福,在任何地方任何时间对于任何人而言,两者总是有千丝万缕的关系)Money can not only satisfy one's material necessities but also can meet one's spiritual needs sometimes .(金钱不但能满足一个人的物质需求,有时候还会满足他的精神需要)That is so-called money can support happiness .(那就是所谓的金钱支撑幸福)But money also can bury your head in the sand and bring misfortune to you at times .(但是有时候金钱也会让你看不到即临险境给你带来不幸)We have to admit the truth that money can buy lots of things even health .我们要承认金钱可以买到很多东西甚至健康这样的事实In nowadays ,a poor family shall have to live a hard life .在当今,贫困的家庭必将过着艰难的生活The poor people even can't afford to children's schooling ,no mention to the house in big city and other luxurious consumables. .穷人甚至负担不了子女的教育费用,更别提在繁华都市有栋房子,或者其它奢侈的消费品It is common that lots of serious diseased people have no enough money to go to hospital for a treatment , if they wouldn't get social aid ,the only way leaving to them is waiting for the death .重病的穷人没钱去医院治疗是很普遍的,如果后来他们也得不到社会的援助,留给他们的唯一的路就是面临死亡If you have no money ,you can't live the life you want , you can't buy the things you like .如果没有钱,你就不能过你想要的生活,不能买你喜欢的东西If because of moneyless you have to haggle over every ounce for every little thing all days , how could you be a happy person ?如果因为清贫,你整天要为鸡毛蒜皮的小事斤斤计较,你还怎么能是幸福的人呢?In all ages ,从古至今people have been pursued nice life and worked hard for earning more money to improve life quality . 人们都在追求美好的生活,都在努力工作以此赚更多的钱去改善生活质量It's human being instinct , 这是人的本能吧so this kind of behavior is right and natural .所以这种行为是无可厚非的But we can't plunge ourselves into the trap that money is omnipotent .但是我们不能让自己掉进信赖金钱万能的陷阱里面In someone's eyes ,money can buy everything ,有些人看来,金钱能够换取一切Its charm and function has exceeded its true value and the meaning of existence . 金钱的魅力和作用已经超过了它真实的价值和它存在的意义People drove by this thought incline to make money by any kind of means ,被这种想法驱使的人就会为了钱财不择手段so lots of them will make themselves walk up to the criminal road . 所以他们也很容易走上犯罪的道路Money can satisfy the basal needs or make your more immaterial needs come true , but it isn't means that money can buy happiness .金钱可以满足你的基本生活需求或者也能满足更多的非物质需求Maybe you will fell more happy if you have much money ,but in fact ,the ratio of money and happiness is not an absolute direct ratio .也许拥有许多钱会让你感到更加幸福,但是事实上,金钱和幸福之间没有绝对的正比关系呵The number of money don't represent the degree of happiness .金钱的数量并不代表幸福的程度Because you could earn money by hardworking 、struggling or effort work ,but you can't get happiness only through money .因为你可以通过努力,上进,勤奋去挣更多的钱,但是你不能只用金钱就可以得到幸福Happiness is a kind of felling .幸福是一种感觉when you help others you will feel happy .Just like Jesus had said“It is more blessed to give ……”当你帮助别人,你会感到快乐,就像耶稣说过的一样:施比受更有福Some rich people are also charitarians , they could make themselves more happy basing on sponsoring welfare .一些富裕的人也是慈善家,赞助福利事业会让他们更快乐 SO The psychologists advise the ones who often find themselves suffering to help those worse lucky people that could reduce pain . 所以心理学家建议那些总是自感痛苦的人去帮助那些更加不幸的人,那样会减轻自感痛苦者的痛苦感觉If you work hard and contribute to the society, you will be respected by people, don't you feel unhappy? 如果你努力的工作给社会作贡献,你就会受人尊敬,那你又怎么会不幸福呢Sometimes happiness comes from a little case .有时候幸福只是来源于一件小小的事情If you often admire others unfeignedly , you will obtain others' appreciation at the same time ,you will enjoy yourself all your time . 如果你经常由衷地欣赏别人,你同时也就会获得别人的赞美,那么你一生都会其乐无穷You will be happy as long as you full you life with value. 只要你活的是有价值那么你就。


The wages of the employees, the cost of enterprises constitute an important part of the staff and in terms of job satisfaction, work efficiency is directly related to the important factors. Enterprises must consider cost control, on the other hand, we must consider how to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, improve work efficiency. To sustain the development of enterprises, employees have been properly evaluated and rewarded and to be fully demonstrated its value wages in which at an important position. Intelligence information technology outsourcing and business process outsourcing in the country can be said to be emerging industries, Dalian in the development and formation of the current size of the last few years things. Currently in the software park and high-tech development zones are nearly 2 million people engaged in this industry and related enterprises also have several hundred. Because of emerging industries and rapid development of various enterprises in the field of more fierce competition, the flow of talent is also more frequent. In these enterprises, labor costs account for general business costs 50% -70%. Clearly, these labor costs in the enterprise costs account for a large proportion of enterprises, staff benefits issue is particularly important is that every company in the talent competition to be considered one of the important issues. S information services company, is a Japanese one from independent software development company in Dalian investment in the process to Japan outsourcing main business owned enterprises. This thesis S information services company's wage system reform process as a backdrop in the form of use cases, in accordance with the time sequence, Description of the S companies at different times, in different business sector wage system reform and the reform program to the company management and staff efficiency and many other aspects of the impact. Reveals the actual work, pay administration, pay to be followed by the design of the fairness of the basic principles and the company's profit, development planning between the inevitable intrinsically linked.。



Looking at the welfare of Chinese reform and opening up before us under the planned economic system practiced in our country are the traditional social welfare system. It presents a system of supply and filled both the binary-type pattern of benefits. Such welfare model is the division of urban and rural dual economic system to adapt. The majority of urban residents are employees, they are implemented in the welfare system of the supply system, Under the planned economy era, the state won, a high level of city benefits with the project incomplete, relief of the rural-based segmentation of mutual benefits, in sharp contrast. 70's at the end of the 20th century, China's reform and opening up has entered a new historical period. In order to meet the ever-changing socio-economic structure, social welfare system in the mid-20th century, took 80 of the reform. Today, in the field of social welfare have begun to take shape a set of "socialization of social welfare" reform ideas and principles and policies. "Social welfare of society" in its infancy in the early 20th century, 80, are clearly put forward in 1990, in the 2000 National Social Work Conference of the welfare society has been systematically expounded on. In practice, the original performance is characterized by social relief, the Government arranged, only for the "three noes" of the object and the "Five Guaranteed" model to the Government for social welfare costs, the whole society to set up social welfare-oriented society on there is demand for all citizens, welfare institutions run by the new market-oriented model of social welfare. This process of state social welfare institutions by the reform of the originator, and then all the citizens of the community-oriented community service, followed by the gradual formation of a society of social welfare ideas.


Looking at the welfare of Chinese reform and opening up before us under the planned economic system practiced in our country are the traditional social welfare system. It presents a system of supply and filled both the binary-type pattern of benefits. Such welfare model is the division of urban and rural dual economic system to adapt. The majority of urban residents are employees, they are implemented in the welfare system of the supply system, Under the planned economy era, the state won, a high level of city benefits with the project incomplete, relief of the rural-based segmentation of mutual benefits, in sharp contrast. 70's at the end of the 20th century, China's reform and opening up has entered a new historical period. In order to meet the ever-changing socio-economic structure, social welfare system in the mid-20th century, took 80 of the reform. Today, in the field of social welfare have begun to take shape a set of "socialization of social welfare" reform ideas and principles and policies. "Social welfare of society" in its infancy in the early 20th century, 80, are clearly put forward in 1990, in the 2000 National Social Work Conference of the welfare society has been systematically expounded on. In practice, the original performance is characterized by social relief, the Government arranged, only for the "three noes" of the object and the "Five Guaranteed" model to the Government for social welfare costs, the whole society to set up social welfare-oriented society on there is demand for all citizens, welfare institutions run by the new market-oriented model of social welfare. This process of state social welfare institutions by the reform of the originator, and then all the citizens of the community-oriented community service, followed by the gradual formation of a society of social welfare ideas.


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